it seems to me...
reflections on life as I see it
contact me:
- email: bruce_alderman (at) yahoo (dot) com
- twitter: @bruce_alderman
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Bruce Alderman
blogs i read
- 42
- abbey of the arts
- adventures in mercy
- Art's Strange World
- Bad Alice
- Barry Dundas
- Blog Meridian
- Centerfield
- connexions
- Daylight Atheism
- Dispatches from the Culture Wars
- Enter the Rainbow
- Existential Christianity
- Friendly Atheist
- Gentle Wisdom
- Global Voices
- Heart, Mind, Soul, and Strength
- hit the back button to move fwd
- John Meunier's Blog
- jrhiguy
- Khanya
- Kouya Chronicle
- Levellers
- Lingamish
- LutheranChik's L Word Diary
- Mark Calhoun
- McIlWeb
- Monastic Mumblings
- Notes from Underground
- PamBG
- The Panda's Thumb
- Particiaptory Bible Study
- Questing Parson
- Quiet Paths
- Real Climate
- Real Meal Ministries
- Reverend Mommy
- Sandalstraps' Sanctuary
- Science Blog
- Sinning Boldly
- Skeptical Science
- Thoughts from Kansas
- Threads from Henry's Web
- The True Vyne
- Twenty Feet
- Under the Acacias
- The Zeray Gazette
moderate christian blogroll
non-blog sites
social justice
- Bread for the World
- Church World Service
- Food for the Poor
- The Heifer Project
- Habitat for Humanity
- The Hunger Site
- Make Poverty History
- The ONE Campaign
- United Methodist Committee on Relief
bible search
other links
it seems to me...

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recent posts
- end of the line
- juggling act
- bill gates as climate change spokesman
- texas church offers big prizes for easter
- the future of my blog
- night skies, a haiku
- mt. sunflower
- does the washington, d.c. blizzard disprove climat...
- haiti: roots of the problem
- how was stonehenge built?
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